Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to hack online Sessions : Session Hijacking

Hello friends, from now onwards we will explore the most advanced Hacking Techniques. One of them is Session Hijacking. In today's tutorial i will discuss How to hack the online sessions using Session Hijacking. In today's Hacking class, i will explain basics of Session Hijacking like What is session Hijacking and Different types of Session Hijacking attacks and different methods to Hijack the sessions. In my next tutorial that is tomorrow i will explain you in Detail How to Hijack the Sessions and what tools you will need to Hijack the active sessions. So friends read on...

How to hack online sessions, session hijacking
How Session Hijacking works

What is Session Hijacking?
Let's discuss them in common term's, Session Hijacking by the name only it suggests that we are hacking someone's active session and trying to exploit it by taking the unauthorized access over their computer system or Network. So Session Hijacking is the exploitation of valid computer or network session. Sometimes technical guys also call this HTTP cookie theft or more correctly Magic Cookie Hack. Now you guys surely be thinking what is Magic Cookie.
Magic cookie is simply a cookie that is used to authenticate the user on remote server or simply computer. In general, cookies are used to maintain the sessions on the websites and store the remote address of the website. So in Session Hijacking what Hacker does is that he tries to steal the Magic cookies of the active session that's why its called HTTP cookie Theft. Nowadays several websites has started using HTTPS cookies simply called encrypted cookies. But we all know If encrypter exits so its decrypter also :P..

Session Hijacking is the process of taking over a existing active session. One of the main reason for Hijacking the session is to bypass the authentication process and gain the access to the machine. Since the session is already active so there is no need of re-authenticating and the hacker can easily access the resources and sensitive information like passwords, bank details and much more. 

Different Types of Session Hijacking
Session Hijacking involves two types of attacks :
1. Active attack
2. Passive attack

In Passive attack, the hacker Hijacks a session, but just sits back and watches and records all the traffic that is being sent from the computer or received by the computer. This is useful for finding the sensitive information like username passwords of websites, windows and much more...

In Active attack, hacker finds the active session and takes over it. This is done by forcing one of the parties offline which is usually achieved by DDOS attack (Distributed Denial of service attack) . Now the hacker takes control over the active session and executes the commands on the system that either give him the sensitive information such as passwords or allow him to login at later time.
 There are also some hybrid attacks, where the attacker watches a session for while and then becomes active by taking it over. Another way is to watch the session and periodically inject data into the active session without actually taking it over.

Methods to Hijack Sessions
 There are four main methods used to perpetrate a session hijack. These are:

  • Session fixation, where the attacker sets a user's session id to one known to him, for example by sending the user an email with a link that contains a particular session id. The attacker now only has to wait until the user logs in.
  • Session sidejacking, where the attacker uses packet sniffing to read network traffic between two parties to steal the session cookie. Many web sites use SSL encryption for login pages to prevent attackers from seeing the password, but do not use encryption for the rest of the site once authenticated. This allows attackers that can read the network traffic to intercept all the data that is submitted to the server or web pages viewed by the client. Since this data includes the session cookie, it allows him to impersonate the victim, even if the password itself is not compromised. Unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots are particularly vulnerable, as anyone sharing the network will generally be able to read most of the web traffic between other nodes and the access point.
  • Alternatively, an attacker with physical access can simply attempt to steal the session key by, for example, obtaining the file or memory contents of the appropriate part of either the user's computer or the server.
  • Cross-site scripting, where the attacker tricks the user's computer into running code which is treated as trustworthy because it appears to belong to the server, allowing the attacker to obtain a copy of the cookie or perform other operations.
That's all for today later i will discuss in detail How to do the Session Hijacking practically. 
I hope you all like this...
edmund liew

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Creating a Content Management System for your ASP.NET Web Site with CKEditor

This article will show you how to integrate CKEditor into an ASP.NET site to provide your users with the ability to edit their web site without them having to access the underlying HTML or source files.
The Content Management System (CMS) we will be designing in this tutorial works by storing your page HTML in a database and then using a Formview to bind the HTML to the CKeditor text control, just like using a normal text box.

Step 1: Create the Database

For this example I will be setting up a simple SQL Server database which holds the HTML content for the pages that the customer will be editing.
I've created a simple table, T_Pages which has 2 columns, one to store the page name, and the other to store the HTML.
Figure 1 - Database Table Design
The PageName field stores the name of the aspx file that we are editing, and the HTML field stores the raw HTML which makes up the page:
Figure 2 - Database Table entries

Step 2: Set up CKeditor

Go to the CKEditor download site and download the latest versions of both CKEditor 3.x and the CKEditor for ASP.NET control..  Extract the files to a directory called CKeditor in the root of your web site.
Extract CKEditor.NET.dll from the bin\Release\ folder and place it in the /bin directory in your web site.

Step 3: Create a site administration page to edit page content

Now we create a simple aspx page that contains a Formview.  Make sure you secure this page so anonymous users cannot edit the page text!
At the top of the page, register the CKeditor control:

<%@ Register Assembly="CKEditor.NET" Namespace="CKEditor.NET" TagPrefix="CKEditor" %>
Now create a Formview with an EditItemTemplate which binds the CKeditor control to the HTML field in your database depending on what page is to be edited.  The CKeditor control has a large number of settings (see http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide) but the main ones that we are interested in are:
  • ToolbarSet - This allows you to create a custom toolbar that only shows the font manipulation controls that you want your customers to access (We will be discussing this item and customising it further below, under Step 5 - Customising FCKEditor.)
  • EditorAreaCSS - This allows you to specify what the text inside the FCKeditor control looks like.
The Formview will also need a Save Button which runs the update command to save changes. I also recommend a Cancel button, but have left it out of this example.
The Formview code then looks something like this:
<asp:FormView DataKeyNames="page" DataSourceID="dsSiteAdministration" 
ID="FormView1" runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit">
    <CKEditor:CKEditorControl ID="CKeditor1" runat="server" 
        Value='<%# Bind("html") %>' EditorAreaCSS="/css/editor.css">
    <asp:LinkButton ID="btnSave" runat="server" CommandName="Update"
        Text="Save changes" />
You also need to create the DataSource.  I use the SQLDataSource here, but recommend ObjectDataSources for production environments:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsSiteAdministration" runat="server" 
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" 
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [T_Pages] WHERE page=@page"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [T_Pages] SET HTML=@HTML WHERE page=@page">
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="page" QueryStringField="page" Type="string" />
        <asp:Parameter Name="html" Type="string" />
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="page" QueryStringField="page" Type="string" />
Our application will call the SiteAdministration.aspx page with a parameter telling it which page to retrieve from the database for editing. such as SiteAdministration.aspx?page=AboutUs.
You should put checks in your page to ensure that a valid QueryStringParameter is being passed.

Step 4: Modify your pages so they retrieve content from your database

For existing pages that you wish to allow editing on, simply create a new row in your T_Pages database table with the PageName column containing the page name, and the html column containing all the editable part of the page text, including all html content.
Then, simply modify your pages by putting in a repeater to display the HTML from your database:
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="Repeater1" DataSourceID="dsPage">
        <asp:Label ID="lblPage" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("HTML") %>' />
The Datasource simply looks at what page you specify (using the DefaultValue setting in the <Parameter> section) and retrieves the appropriate HTML:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsPage" runat="server" 
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" 
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [T_Pages] WHERE page=@page" >
        <asp:Parameter Name="page" Type="string" DefaultValue="AboutUs" />
We will also show a link to edit the page.  For production environments, you should set this link up to only appear if the user has authenticated as a site administrator.  The script below removes the '.aspx'  extension from the current page and then creates a hyperlink with the remainder as a query parameter to the Site Administration page.
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
    string MyPage = Strings.LCase(Strings.Left
        Strings.InStr(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")), ".") - 1));
    Response.Write("<a href='/admin/siteadministration.aspx?page=" + MyPage + "'>Edit this page</a>");
So let's recap with an example 'About Us' page called aboutus.aspx:
  • The SQL Database contains a record for 'aboutus' as the Page and the formatted HTML for the page in the HTML column.
  • Visitors to aboutus.aspx will get the formatted HTML page from the database via a Repeater control.
  • Site Administrators will see a 'Edit this Page' link which will go to siteadministration.aspx?page=aboutus.
  • Clicking on 'Edit this Page' will show the CKEditor text box populated with the HTML from the database in a WYSIWYG format.

Step 5: Customising the CKEditor Toolbar

Finally, the ToolBar can be customised to only show the text manipulation features you approve. 
The default toolbar sets Full and Basic are defined as follows:
config.toolbar_Full =
    { name: 'document', items : [ 'Source','-','Save','NewPage','DocProps','Preview','Print','-','Templates' ] },
    { name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
    { name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] },
    { name: 'forms', items : [ 'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton',   'HiddenField' ] },
    { name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] },
    { name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-   ','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },
    { name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink','Anchor' ] },
    { name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak','Iframe' ] },
    { name: 'styles', items : [ 'Styles','Format','Font','FontSize' ] },
    { name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] },
    { name: 'tools', items : [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks','-','About' ] }

config.toolbar_Basic =
    ['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink','-','About']
To add your own toolbars, simply add a custom toolbar definition inside the config.js file, and reference your new ToolbarSet in your ASP.NET control, as discussed in Step 3.

About The Author

This article is written by bartek marnane, He blogs at www.blog.evonet.com.au/